“Phishing” is a form of Internet fraud where criminals aim to steal valuable information such as credit cards, social security numbers, user IDs and passwords for bank accounts. They set up a fake website which looks identical to a legitimate company such as a bank or insurance company.
To protect against phishing - anti virus, anti malware & anti spyware - keep up to date
Describe a telecommunications service that can be used to
help business have multiple people within a telephone call. [2]
Voip - Voice other Internet Protocol software's such as skype offer services that can be used to allow businesses have multiple people in a telephone call at once. With this the users will speak into a microphone and the service converts this speech into a format that can be transferred over the internet to the other people in the call. Therefore allowing multiple recipients to be involved in the call.
Manufacturing and ICT
ICT has led to automation within manafacturing, this is due to developments from ICT such as; ndustrial robots, programmable logic controllers, computer networks for co-ordinating the production process. Input / output devices and a whole array of sensors.
This has been done because:
Reduced piece cost over the life time of the production plant
Higher quality
More consistent quality
Can run 24 hours a day
Very fast
Improved reliability
Huge volumes can be produced in a short time